Teleradiology Workflow from YellowDotMed
No Setup and Free Trial , Just send your radiology cases to our teleradiology cloud platform and receive our high…
Oncology / Radiology Diagnosis ?
Get the best accurate radiology reports for your oncology cases , from the masters of onco-radiology team of YellowDotMed….
Do you own a radiology practice?
Have a radiology practice? Need to increase profits , quality and reduce operating costs ? Trust YellowDotMed as your…
Successful Arab Health 2022 show , Dubai
Successful Arab Health 2022 show for yellowdotmed and meridian health care
Reduce Opearting Cost with Teleradiology from YellowDotMed
Teleradiology eliminates the necessity for radiologists to travel where the patient image was captured. This enables radiologists to work from…
YellowDotMed Teleradiology
Managing Radiology Business is a delicate balance between reporting quality, delivery time and operating cost. YellowDotMed , is here to…
Importance of Teleradiology – YellowDotMed
An important virtue of teleradiology is that many smaller hospitals that struggle to maintain adequate off-hour and subspecialty coverage can…
خدمات الأشعة عن بعد من YellowDotMed
تقدم Yellow Dot Med خدمات الأشعة عن بعد عن طريق ربط الاتصالات بين المراكز الصحية البعيدة والمستشفيات النائية مع أساتذة…
YellowDotMed Teleradiology for hospitals
An important virtue of teleradiology is that many smaller hospitals that struggle to maintain adequate off-hour and subspecialty coverage can…
Radiology report turn-around time (TAT)
Radiology report turn-around time (TAT) is one metric that is frequently used as indicator of radiology efficiency. With YellowDotMed ,…