Rad-Sultation is a very important service that represents a core value for YellowDotMed; focused on providing our clients who are usually business investors with all the knowledge needed to establish a radiology practice start-up. Detailed project plans including finance, KPI and ROIs are created by the talented well experienced YellowDotMed team; to help the client foresee how his / her project will look like once operating and complete.
Rad-Sultation can also provide its clients with the best prices for machinery they can get from the agents.

Safety. We provided complete safe background for all business owners whether they operate a radiology clinic with aim to enhance and upgrade, or having intentions for new business startup in the radiology field. Our highly experienced radiology consultants can help settle your business on a safe ground.
- What Does RAD-SULTATION offer you?
- Detailed project planning.
- Finance details.
- kPIs
- ROIs
- Best machinery pricing.